Russian phrasebook
Phrases in Russian with audio and video
At the hotel
Staying at a hotel is almost a must for any tourist. If you're visiting a Russian speaking country, these phrases will help you communicate with the staff at the reception desk. On the other hand, if you work in a hotel with Russian speaking clients, here you'll read and listen to phrases that you can use to speak to guests. Listen and repeat the sentences you find useful:
Part 1: Video
Summary of this topic with images and sound:
Watch the most important words and phrases of this topic below.
Useful phrases when you are the client:
Useful phrases when you talk to a client:
Part 2: Audio and explanations
Listen to the audio, read the explanations and get ready to learn real Russian.

Checking in at the hotel
First seconds at the hotel and first phrase exchange. First of all let's find out if the room has been booked. There are also questions regarding the price per night. And a very important question too: Is there Internet access in the room?
У вас есть свобо́дные номера́?
u vas yest sva-bód-ny-ye na-mye-rá
Do you have any rooms available?
Вы брони́ровали но́мер?
vy bra-ní-ra-va-li nó-myer?
Do you have a reservation?
У меня́ есть брони́рование.
u mye-nyá yest bra-ní-ra-va-ni-ye
I have a reservation.
На ско́лько ноче́й (вы оста́нетесь)?
na skól-ka na-chyéj (vy as-tá-nye-tyes)?
How many nights (are you staying)?
Ско́лько за́ ночь?
skól-ka zá nach?
How much is it per night?
Э́то ваш ключ.
é-ta vash klyuch
This is your key.
В но́мере есть интерне́т?
v nó-mye-rye yest in-ter-nét?
Is there Internet in the room?
Да, в но́мере есть интерне́т.
da, v nó-mye-rye yest in-ter-nét.
Yes, there's Internet in the room.

What time is breakfast at?
What time is check-out at? And breakfast? These are two of the most asked questions at any hotel. Listen to the following list of questions and answers on times (and don't forget to read our section on how to tell the time in Russian):
Во ско́лько... за́втрак / обе́д / у́жин?
va skól-ka… záf-trak / a-byét / ú-zhyn?
What time is... breakfast / lunch / dinner at?
Вот вре́мя... за́втрака / обе́да / у́жина
vot vryé-mya… záf-tra-ka / a-byé-da / ú-zhy-na
These are the times for... breakfast / lunch / dinner
Во ско́лько зае́зд?
va skól-ka za-yést?
At what time is check-in?
Зае́зд в э́то вре́мя.
za-yést v é-ta vryé-mya
Check-in is at this time.
Во ско́лько вы́езд?
va skól-ka vý-yest?
At what time is the check-out?
Вы́езд в э́то вре́мя.
vý-yest v é-ta vryé-mya
Check-out is at this time.
Вас разбуди́ть? Во ско́лько?
vas raz-bu-dít? va skól-ka?
Would you like a wake-up call? At what time?
Разбуди́те меня́ в э́то вре́мя, пожа́луйста.
raz-bu-dí-tye mye-nyá v é-ta vryé-mya, pa-zhá-lus-ta
I'd like a wake-up call at this time, please.

Can I help you?
We're going to listen to phrases regarding daily situations at any hotel. We recommend that you have a look at our section on numbers in Russian. As you'll see below, it's important to know how to tell the room number:
Вам помо́чь?
vam pa-móch?
Can I help you?
Како́й ваш но́мер?
ka-kój vash nó-myer?
What's your room (number)?
Одну́ мину́ту, пожа́луйста.
ad-nú mi-nú-tu, pa-zhá-lus-ta
One minute, please.
Прибери́те мой но́мер, пожа́луйста.
pri-bye-rí-tye moj nó-myer, pa-zhá-lus-ta
Clean my room, please.
Мо́жно заказа́ть еду́ в но́мер?
mózh-na za-ka-zát ye-dú v nó-myer?
Can I order food to my room?

I've lost my key
Losing your room key is a very usual thing to happen. But there are many other problems that can lead to even wanting to move to a different room. In the end, what matters is that nothing really serious happens:
Вы потеря́ли ключ?
vy pa-tye-ryá-li klyuch?
Have you lost your key?
Я потеря́л ключ (masc.) / Я потеря́ла ключ (fem.).
ya pa-tye-ryál klyuch / ya pa-tye-ryá-la klyuch
I've lost my key.
In Russian the past tense is different for masculine and feminine. That's why if you want to say "I've lost" there are two options: If you are a man you should say "Я потерял...". If you're a woman you'll say "Я потеряла...".
Что́-то не так в но́мере?
shtó-ta nye tak v nó-mye-rye?
Is anything wrong with your room?
У меня́ пробле́ма с но́мером.
u mye-nyá pra-blyé-ma s nó-mye-ram
I have a problem with my room.
Вы хоти́те поменя́ть но́мер?
vy ha-tí-tye pa-mye-nyát nó-myer?
Would you like to change your room?
Мо́жно поменя́ть но́мер?
mózh-na pa-mye-nyát nó-myer?
Can I change my room, please?
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