Russian course
Basic Russian for beginners
Lesson 9:
My name is Natasha, and what's your name?
In this lesson you will learn:
- the cases of some personal pronouns
- to form the opposite (antonym) of an adjective

Useful phrase in Russian
Listen and repeat the following sentence:
Меня́ зову́т Ната́ша. А как тебя́ зову́т?
mye-nyá za-vút na-tá-sha. a kak tye-byá za-vút?
My name is Natasha. And what's your name?
Russian cases: In this lesson you will see that sometimes instead of saying я, we say меня́ or мне. That is because я is sometimes the "direct object" in the sentence (and turns into меня́) or the "indirect object" (and turns into мне).
In English he transforms into him (direct object) in a sentence like "I saw him".
If you want to learn more, visit our course on Russian Cases.

Russian vocabulary
Read, listen and repeat the basic vocabulary of this lesson:
To say / to tell
Good-looking (male)
Good-looking (female)
True / really
There is / there are
I have
У меня́ есть
u mye-nyá yest'
You have
У тебя́ есть
u tye-byá yest'
For me
Для меня́
dlya mye-nyá
For you
Для тебя́
dlya tye-byá

Dialogues in Russian
These dialogues will help you memorise this lesson's vocabulary:
Dialogue 1
I saw you yesterday.
Я ви́дела тебя́ вчера́.
ya ví-dye-La tye-byá fchye-rá.
You saw me yesterday?
Ты ви́дела меня́ вчера́?
ty ví-dye-La mye-nyá fchye-rá?
Yes... I have time for you always, but not yesterday. Sorry.
Да... у меня́ есть вре́мя для тебя́ всегда́, но не вчера́. Извини́.
da... u mye-nyá yest' vryé-mya dlya tye-byá fsyeg-dá, no nye fchye-rá. iz-vi-ní.
You have always time, but not for me.
У тебя́ всегда́ есть вре́мя, но не для меня́.
u tye-byá fsyeg-dá yest' vryé-mya, no nye dlya mye-nyá.
Dialogue 2
You know? I don't like him.
Зна́ешь? Он мне не нра́вится.
zná-yesh? on mnye nye nrá-vit-sya.
But he told me, that you are cute.
Но он сказа́л мне, что ты краси́вая.
no on ska-záL mnye, shto ty kra-sí-va-ya.
He said that? Then I'm telling you, that for me he is ugly.
Он э́то сказа́л? А я скажу́ тебе́, что для меня́ он некраси́вый.
On é-ta ska-záL? A ya ska-zhú tye-byé shto dlya mye-nyá on nye-kra-sí-vyj.
Dialogue 3
Hi, my name is Michael, and what's your name?
Приве́т. Меня́ зову́т Майкл, а как тебя́ зову́т?
pri-vyét. mye-nyá za-vút maj-kL, a kak tye-byá za-vút?
Hi. My name is Natasha.
Приве́т. Меня́ зову́т Ната́ша.
pri-vyét. mye-nyá za-vút na-tá-sha.
I saw you yesterday.
Я ви́дел тебя́ вчера́.
ya ví-dyeL tye-byá fchye-rá.
Really? You saw me and you didn't tell me anything?
Пра́вда? Ты ви́дел меня́ и ты мне ничего́ не сказа́л?
práv-da? ty ví-dyeL mye-nyá i ty mnye ni-chye-vó nye ska-záL?
I didn't tell you anything, because my Russian (is) bad.
Я ничего́ не сказа́л тебе́, потому́ что мой ру́сский нехоро́ший.
ya ni-chye-vó nye ska-záL tye-byé, pa-ta-mú shta moj rús-kij nye-ha-ró-shij.
But that isn't true. You speak very well.
Но э́то не пра́вда. Ты о́чень хорошо́ говори́шь.
no é-ta nye práv-da. ty ó-chyen' ha-ra-shó ga-va-rísh.
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Russian grammar
Read the following grammar explanations for this lesson:
What is "to decline"?
When you decline a word you modify it. After that, the word has a new function in a sentence.
In English we don't decline nouns:
- Subject: The man is big.
- Object: I saw the man.
However, pronouns are declined:
- Subject: he is big.
- Object: I saw him yesterday.
This modification is called "case". So, you could say that "him" is a case of the pronoun "he".
Some opposites (antonyms) in Russian
In Russian you can find adjectives like these:
- Good (хоро́ший) - bad (плохо́й)
- good-looking (краси́вый) - ugly (уро́дливый)
But there is an easier way to create the opposite of an adjective: simply adding "не" to the adjective:
- хоро́ший (good) - нехоро́ший (not good = bad)
- краси́вый (good-looking) - некраси́вый (not good-looking = ugly)
Pay also attention to the transformation of the following particles when adding "ни":
- когда́ (when) - никогда́ (never)
- где (where) - нигд́е (nowhere)
- кто (who) - никто́ (nobody)
Examples of cases seen in this lesson
In Russian we decline pronouns, nouns and adjectives. In other words, pronouns, nouns and adjectives can have "cases".
Now you will see examples of cases from this lesson's dialogues. They are cases of the pronouns you already know (я, ты, он,...). In this lesson you have seen, for example, меня́ / мне (cases of "я") or тебя́ / тебе́ (cases of "ты").
Example taken from dialogue 1:
- You saw me yesterday?
- Ты ви́дела меня́ вчера́?
"Me" is the accusative case of "I". In English we can't say "You saw I yesterday?", we have to transform "I" into "me".
"Меня́" is the accusative case of "я". In Russian we can't say "Ты ви́дела Я вчера́?", we have to transform "я" into "меня́".
Example taken from dialogue 3:
- I saw you yesterday.
- Я ви́дел тебя́ вчера́.
In this example "you" doesn't change. We can say "You have money" and "Mary saw you".
Pay attention that this doesn't happen to "I", because we say "I have money" and "Mary saw me" (instead of "Mary saw I").
In Russian "тебя́" is the accusative case of "ты". We can't say "Я ви́дела ты": we have to transform "ты" into "тебя́".
The Russian cases
When we decline a word, we classify it in "cases". The grammatical case expresses the function of a word (subject, direct or indirect object...). In Russian there are 6 cases (so far you only know the nominative):
- Nominative (subject)
- Genitive (possession)
- Accusative (direct object)
- Dative (indirect object)
- Instrumental ("with someone" / "with something")
- Prepositional (when there is a preposition before the noun)
* Remember that we have a course to help you with cases. Here you can go to lesson 1

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