Russian course
Basic Russian for beginners
Lesson 3:
Sorry, I don't understand
In this lesson you will learn:
- how to ask questions in Russian
- the formal and informal way to say "you"
- to conjugate a verb in the present tense

Useful phrase in Russian
Listen and repeat the following sentence:
Извини́те, я не понима́ю
iz-vi-ní-tye, ya nye pa-ni-má-yu
Sorry, I don't understand
Извини́те: This is the first imperative form that you will learn in the course. It means "excuse me", but only when you address someone formally. If you talk to a friend you will use the informal form: извини́. You will learn about formal and informal in future lessons.

Russian vocabulary
Read, listen and repeat the basic vocabulary of this lesson:
You (plural)
To understand
Also, too
See you
До свида́ния
da svi-dá-niya
See you
До встре́чи
da vstryé-chi
Hello (formal)

Dialogues in Russian
These dialogues will help you memorise this lesson's vocabulary:
Dialogue 1
Hi Masha and Lena, how are you?
Приве́т, Ма́ша и Ле́на, как дела́?
pri-vyét má-sha i lyé-na, kak dye-Lá?
Hi Vitya. Everything fine, Thank you.
Приве́т, Ви́тя. Всё хорошо́, спаси́бо.
pri-vyét, ví-tya. Vsyo ha-ra-shó, spa-sí-ba.
Masha and Lena, (Do) you speak Italian?
Ма́ша и Ле́на, вы говори́те по-италья́нски?
Má-sha i lyé-na, vy ga-va-rí-tye pa-i-ta-lyáns-ki?
Yes, we speak Italian.
Да, мы говори́м по-италья́нски.
da, my ga-va-rím pa-i-ta-lyáns-ki.
Me too.
Я то́же.
ya tó-zhe.
See you.
До встре́чи.
da vstryé-chi.
Dialogue 2
Hello Mr Smith. Do you speak Russian?
Здра́вствуйте, ми́стер Смит. Вы говори́те по-ру́сски?
zdrást-vyj-tye mís-ter smit. vy ga-va-rí-tye pa-rús-ki?
Sorry, I don't understand.
Извини́те, я не понима́ю.
iz-vi-ní-tye, ya nye pa-ni-má-yu.
You don't understand? But Mr Smith, you don't speak Russian?
Вы не понима́ете? Но ми́стер Смит, вы не говори́те по-ру́сски?
Vy nye pa-ni-má-ye-tye? no mís-ter smit, vy nye ga-va-rí-te pa-rús-ki?
I (am) not Mr Smith. I (am) Pedro. I (am) Spanish and I speak only Spanish.
Я не ми́стер Смит. Я Пе́дро. Я испа́нец и говорю́ то́лько по-испа́нски.
Ya nye mís-ter smit. ya pé-dro. ya is-pá-nyets i ga-va-ryú tól-ka pa-is-páns-ki.
Sorry. Good bye.
Извини́те. До свида́ния.
iz-vi-ní-tye. da svi-dá-niya.
Good bye.
До свида́ния.
da svi-dá-niya.
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Russian grammar
Read the following grammar explanations for this lesson:
How to say "you" in Russian
In Russian, there are two different ways of saying "you", a formal and an informal way. There are no specific rules about when to use each, but in general we could say the following:
- Formal "you": used with older people and people we don't know well.
- Informal "you": used with relatives, children and close friends.
You will only need to learn two forms: ты and вы. The first one (ты) is only used for informal address in singular. For any other case вы is used:
Informal = Ты
Formal = Вы
Informal = Вы
Formal = Вы
In the dialogues you have seen examples of formal and informal situations. During the course you will see many more examples.
Also, pay attention to the verbs. The endings for ты and вы are easy to recognise:
Verb: знать
Ты зна́ешь
Вы зна́ете
Verb: говорить
Ты говори́шь
Вы говори́те
The verbs in the present tense
During these three lessons you have learnt the personal pronouns in Russian (I, you, he, we,...). You only need to learn how to say "they": они́ (pronounced "a-ni").
Here you have the whole conjugation of the verb говорить in the present tense. Listen to the audio and pay attention to the pronunciation:
- Говори́ть
- Я говорю́
- Ты говори́шь
- Он говори́т
- Мы говори́м
- Вы говори́те
- Они говоря́т
In future lessons you will learn new verbs.
How to form questions in Russian
If you want to ask a question in Russian, you only need to use a question mark and change the intonation. This means:
- You do not need to change the position of the verb.
- You do not need to use an auxiliary verb like "do" in English.
Ты ру́сский.
You are Russian.
Ты ру́сский?
Are you Russian?
Ты говори́шь по-ру́сски.
You speak Russian.
Ты говори́шь по-ру́сски?
Do you speak Russian?

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