Music to learn Russian
Lyrics in Russian + English translation
Song: Если у вас нету тёти (к/ф "Ирония судьбы, или С лёгким паром!")/ If You Don't Have an Aunt (OST "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!") | Singer: Sergei Nikitin
Learning Russian songs by heart is a great way to improve your language skills. Watch the song, read the translation and pay close attention to the highlighted words. The song "If You Don't Have an Aunt" appears in the romantic comedy movie "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!" (1976), which has become a popular New Year's Eve classic. In the movie, the song was performed by the character Evgeniy (Zhenya) Lukashin, starring the actor Andrey Myagkov, while the vocals were performed by the composer and singer Sergei Nikitin.

Russian lyrics and English translation
Если у вас нету дома,
Пожары ему не страшны,
И жена не уйдёт к другому,
Если у вас, если у вас,
Если у вас нет жены,
Нету жены.
If you don't have a house,
Fires are not menacing/no threat to it,
And (your) wife won't leave (you) for another man,
If you, if you,
Don't have a wife,
No wife.
Если у вас нет собаки,
Её не отравит сосед,
И с другом не будет драки,
Если у вас, если у вас,
Если у вас друга нет,
Друга нет.
If you don't have a dog,
A neighbour won't poison her,
And there won't be a fight with a friend,
If you, if you,
If you don't have a friend,
No friend.
Оркестр гремит басами,
Трубач выдувает медь.
Думайте сами, решайте сами,
Иметь или не иметь.
The orchestra is thundering with basses,
The trumpeter is blowing out copper.
Think for yourself, decide for yourself,
To have or not to have.
Если у вас нету тёти,
То вам её не потерять,
И если вы не живёте,
То вам и не, то вам и не,
То вам и не умирать,
Не умирать.
If you don't have an aunt,
Then you won't lose her,
And if you don't live,
Then you won't have to, then you won't have to,
Then you won't have to die,
Not to die.
Оркестр гремит басами,
Трубач выдувает медь.
Думайте сами, решайте сами,
Иметь или не иметь.
Иметь или не иметь.
The orchestra is thundering with basses
The trumpeter is blowing out copper.
Think for yourself, decide for yourself,
To have or not to have.
To have or not to have.
Words and grammar
- если: if
- нет (colloquial: нету): 1. no (opposite to "yes"); 2. there is no/there are no (absence in present) (+ genitive) У + somebody/something in the genitive case + нет + genitive case = Somebody/something doesn't have something/somebody
- дом: house; home
- пожар: fire, wildfire (fire without control/destroying, etc.) Compare to: огонь = fire (as an element); огни = lights; костёр = campfire, bonfire
- страшен: (short adjective masculine of "страшный") terrible, frightful, dreadful, scary, scaring, menacing, awful, creepy Страшна: short adjective feminine; страшны: short adjective plural. Пожары ему (= дому (dative)) не страшны = it (the house) can't be destroyed by fires/set on fires (literally: fires are not menacing/no threat to it (the house))
- жена: wife
- уходить - уйти: to leave, go away
- другой: another, the other Другая (feminine form); другое (neuter); другие (plural)
- собака: dog
- отравлять - отравить: to poison; envenom
- сосед: neighbour
- друг: friend
- драка: fight
- оркестр: orchestra
- греметь - прогреметь: to thunder, clank, jingle
- бас: bass
- трубач: trumpeter, trumpet player
- выдувать - выдуть: to blow out; (colloquial) play (a tune on a pipe, etc.) Трубач выдувает медь = the trumpeter is blowing out copper (figuratively)
- медь: copper
- думать - подумать:to think Думайте (imperative, plural/formal): think (it over/about it)
- сам: oneself (yourself, himself, herself, etc.); by oneself Сам (masculine); сама (feminine); само (neuter); сами (plural)
- решать - решить: to decide Решайте (imperative plural/formal): decide
- иметь: to have It's rarely used to denote possession, and mostly reserved to some formal set expressions. To speak about possessions in Russian (in the present tense), we use the construction "у + genitive case + есть + nominative case". For example: у меня есть дом = I have a house
- тётя: aunt
- терять - потерять: to lose Вам (dative) её не потерять = вам её не нужно/не придётся терять: you won't need to/won't have to lose her
- жить: to live
- умирать - умереть: to die
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