Russian for parents
Russian vocabulary for children and adoptive parents

First Meetings - Say hello to your child

You have been waiting for this moment: you are about to meet your child for the first time. You don't speak the same language, but a few words in Russian from you will be very useful: It will show that you care and maybe you'll get a first smile in exchange.

hi, hello

Я твоя́ ма́ма
ya tva-yá má-ma
I'm your mom

Я твой па́па
ya tvoj pá-pa
I'm your dad

Мы твои́ роди́тели
my tvaí ra-dí-tye-li
We're your parents

Как тебя́ зову́т?
kak tye-byá za-vút?
What's your name?

Меня́ зову́т...
mye-nyá za-vút...
My name is...

Ско́лько тебе́ лет?
skól-ka tye-byé lyet?
How old are you?

Do you want to learn Russian? Useful links:

· Learn how to read Russian with our reading course.
· Learn Russianw ith our basic Russian course.

Мы ра́ды тебя́ ви́деть
my rá-dy tye-byá ví-dyet
We're happy/glad to see you

Ты хоро́ший ма́льчик
ty ha-ró-shyj mál-chik
You're a good boy

Ты хоро́шая де́вочка
ty ha-ró-sha-ya dyé-vach-ka
You're a good girl

Мы хоро́шая семья́
my ha-ró-sha-ya syem-yá
We're a good family

Хо́чешь жить с на́ми?
hó-chyesh zhit' s ná-mi
Do you want to live with us?

Мы бу́дем тебя́ люби́ть
my bú-dyem tye-byá lyu-bít
We will love you

Э́то пода́рок для тебя́
é-ta pa-dá-rak dlya tye-byá
This is a present for you

Тебе́ нра́вится?
tye-byé nrá-vit-sa?
Do you like it?

Additional Russian vocabulary

Additional vocabulary
More basic Russian related to this topic

4 Essential words



hi, hello

bye, see you

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