Russian for parents
Russian vocabulary for children and adoptive parents

We love you - Your child is your treasure

Once you learn these words, you'll never forget them. There's a new happiness in your life and you want to express your love. Learn these words and phrases in Russian, so important, that you'll be repeating them again and again.

Мы тебя́ лю́бим
my tye-byá lyú-bim
We love you

Я тебя́ о́чень люблю́
ya tye-byá ó-chyen lyu-blyú
I love you very much

Ты на́ша ра́дость
ty ná-sha rá-dast
You are our happiness

Ты лю́бишь меня́?
ty lyú-bish mye-nyá?
Do you love me?

Па́па/Ма́ма тебя́ лю́бит
pá-pa/má-ma tye-byá lyú-bit
Dad/Mom loves you

Он/Она́ тебя́ лю́бит
on/a-ná tye-byá lyú-bit
He/She loves you

Ты на́ше сокро́вище
ty ná-she sa-kró-vi-schye
You are our treasure

Do you want to learn Russian? Useful links:

· Learn how to read Russian with our reading course.
· Learn Russian with our basic Russian course.

Мы всегда́ бу́дем тебя́ люби́ть
my fsyeg-dá bú-dyem tye-byá lyu-bít
We will always love you

Ты са́мое гла́вное в на́шей жи́зни
ty sá-ma-ye gláv-na-ye v ná-shej zhýz-ni
You're the most important thing in our lives

Мы забо́тимся о тебе́
my za-bó-tim-sya a tye-byé
We care about you

Я скуча́ю по тебе́
ya sku-chá-yu pa tye-byé
I miss you

Мы скуча́ем по тебе́
my sku-chá-yem pa tye-byé
We miss you

Ты скуча́ешь по мне?
ty sku-chá-yesh pa mnye?
Do you miss me?

Ско́ро мы бу́дем вме́сте
skó-ra my bú-dyem vmyés-tye
Soon we will be together

Я тебя́ никогда́ не оста́влю
ya tye-byá ni-kag-dá nye as-tá-vlyu
I will never leave you alone

Additional Russian vocabulary

Additional vocabulary
More basic Russian related to this topic

Nicknames for your child

за́йчик (masculine) / за́йка (feminine)
záj-chik / záj-ka
bunny, little rabbit

used for both boys and girls

little bear
use it for boys

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