Learn Russian with comics

Garfield | by Jim Davis

Learn Russian with the stories of Garfield, the laziest and funniest cat in the world. Pay attention to the highlighted Russian words. They will help you improve your vocabulary.

Russian Garfield comic

- If you continue putting on weight at such speed

- then in 17 years you will completely block the sun!

- Where are you going?

- I'm going to take a bun and a torch.

- Е́сли ты и да́льше бу́дешь набира́ть вес с тако́й ско́ростью...

- То че́рез 17 лет ты по́лностью закро́ешь со́лнце!

- Куда́ ты пошёл?

- Возьму́ пирожо́к и фона́рик.

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