Russian for parents
Russian vocabulary for children and adoptive parents

Friends and Family

Your family has a new little member! Learn how to introduce your treasure to your friends and family. Learn how to say if the person you are introducing is a friend or a relative (mother, father, sister, uncle,...).

Смотри́, кто пришёл
sma-trí, kto pri-shól
Look who has come

Кто́-то хо́чет с тобо́й познако́миться
któ-ta hó-chyet s ta-bój paz-na-kó-mit-sa
Someone wants to meet you

Скажи́ приве́т
ska-zhý pri-vyét
Say hello

This is...
Use this sentence before mentioning the name of the person you're introducing

По́мнишь, кто он/она́?
póm-nish kto on / a-ná?
Do you remember who he/she is?

Его́ зову́т…
ye-vó za-vút...
He is..., his name is...

Её зову́т…
ye-yó za-vút...
She is..., her name is...

Do you want to learn Russian? Useful links:

· Learn how to read Russian with our reading course.
· Learn Russian with our basic Russian course.

Скажи́, как тебя́ зову́т
ska-zhý, kak tye-byá za-vút
Say what your name is

Он/она́ не говори́т по-ру́сски
on / a-ná nye ga-va-rít pa-rús-ki
He/she doesn't speak Russian

Он/она́ тебя́ не понима́ет
on / a-ná tye-byá nye pa-ni-má-yet
He/she doesn't understand you

Он друг / Она́ подру́га
on druk / a-ná pa-drú-ga
He's a friend/She's a friend

Он ро́дственник / Она́ ро́дственница
on róts-tvye-nik / a-ná róts-tvye-ni-tsa
He's your relative/She's your relative

У него́ есть / у неё есть пода́рок для тебя́
u nye-vó yest / u nye-yó yest pa-dá-rak dlya tye-byá
He/she has a present for you
Different genders: у него есть = he has, у неё есть = she has

Не стесня́йся
nye styes-nyáj-sya
Don't be shy

Скажи́ пока́
ska-zhý pa-ká
Say bye

Additional Russian vocabulary

Additional vocabulary
More basic Russian related to this topic

Introducing men

Э́то твой...
é-ta tvoj...
This is your... (+ male)

Э́то твой па́па
é-ta tvoj pá-pa
This is your dad

Э́то твой брат
é-ta tvoj brat
This is your brother

Э́то твой де́душка
é-ta tvoj dyé-dush-ka
This is your grandad

Э́то твой дя́дя
é-ta tvoj dyá-dya
This is your uncle

Э́то твой друг
é-ta tvoj druk
This is your (male) friend

Introducing women

Э́то твоя́...
é-ta tva-yá...
This is your... (+ female)

Э́то твоя́ ма́ма
é-ta tva-yá má-ma
This is your mom

Э́то твоя́ сестра́
é-ta tva-yá syes-trá
This is your sister

Э́то твоя́ ба́бушка
é-ta tva-yá bá-bush-ka
This is your grandma

Э́то твоя́ тётя
é-ta tva-yá tyó-tya
This is your aunt

Э́то твоя́ подру́га
é-ta tva-yá pa-drú-ga
This is your (female) friend

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