Russian for parents
Russian vocabulary for children and adoptive parents

Doctor/Health - Find out where it hurts

Children might feel unwell, that's quite usual. A simple phrase like "show me where it hurts" will help you understand what is happening. Her you'll learn useful phrases to find out about your child's health and also how to say some parts of the body in Russian.

Покажи́, где у тебя́ боли́т
pa-ka-zhý gdye u tye-byá ba-lít
Show me where it hurts

Здесь боли́т?
zdyes ba-lít
Does it hurt here?

Тебя́ тошни́т?
tye-byá tash-nít?
Do you feel sick (feel like vomiting)?

Не плачь
nye plach
Don't cry

У тебя́ температу́ра
u tye-byá tyem-pye-ra-tú-ra
You have a fever/temperature

На́до приня́ть э́то лека́рство
ná-da pri-nyát é-ta lye-kárs-tva
You have to take this medicine

Лежи́ в крова́ти!
lye-zhý f kra-vá-ti
Stay in bed!

Do you want to learn Russian? Useful links:

· Learn how to read Russian with our reading course.
· Learn Russian with our basic Russian course.

Мы идём к врачу́
my i-dyóm k vra-chú
We're going to the doctor

Е́сли за́втра тебе́ не лу́чше, то пойдём к врачу́
yés-li záf-tra tye-byé nye lúch-shye, to pai-dyóm k vra-chú
If tomorrow you don't feel better, we're going to the doctor

Откро́й рот
at-krój rot
Open your mouth

Сде́лай так
sdyé-laj tak
Do this...
Use this sentence... to ask your child to do as you are doing (useful at the doctor's)

Не бо́йся, э́то не бо́льно
nye bój-sya, é-ta nye ból-na
Don't be afraid, this doesn't hurt

Ты са́мый сме́лый!
ty sá-myj smyé-lyj
You're the bravest (boy)!

Ты са́мая сме́лая!
ty sá-ma-ya smyé-la-ya
You're the bravest (girl)!

За́втра тебе́ бу́дет лу́чше
záf-tra tye-byé bú-dyet lúch-she
Tomorrow you'll feel better

Additional Russian vocabulary

Additional vocabulary
More basic Russian related to this topic

How do you feel?

Do you feel...?

Тебе́ пло́хо?
tye-byé pló-ha?
Do you feel bad?

Тебе́ хорошо́?
tye-byé ha-ra-shó?
Do you feel good?

Тебе́ лу́чше?
tye-byé lú-chshe?
Do you feel better?

Тебе́ ху́же?
tye-byé hú-zhe?
Do you feel worse?

Тебе́ хо́лодно?
tye-byé hó-la-dna?
Do you feel cold?

Тебе́ жа́рко?
tye-byé zhár-ka?
Do you feel hot?

Algunas partes del cuerpo



hand, arm


belly, stomach


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